12 Amazing Health Benefits of Raw Honey

Honey is a natural sweetener that has been used for many years and has been known to have numerous health benefits. It has antibacterial and antifungal benefits that have been used since the ancient times. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that are ideal for a healthy lifestyle.

Making honey is not an easy task for the bees and takes a while which requires quite a bit of patience. In the end, however, the health benefits of using honey are so many we can’t simply ignore this amazing natural product.

A warning for all honey lovers; it shouldn’t be given to infants just yet as their digestive and immune systems are still developing

Amazing Health Benefits Of Honey

  1. Anti-Cancer Treatment

The antioxidants found in honey help fight off free radicals. Free radicals increase greatly in the body in the event of an injury or inflammation. These free radicals can cause cell damage. The antioxidants help fight them off keeping you healthy and strong and allow for the cells to heal properly. Studies have shown that honey also possesses anti-tumor properties such as phenolic compounds and flavonoids which put it on the front line to be a cancer-fighting agent.

  1. Natural Sweetener

Honey is a welcome alternative to sugar when sweetening beverages and foods. This is better for your overall health and well-being as it contains 69% glucose and fructose and is much better than using white sugar.

Be sure to buy honey that isn’t fake and has been stripped of most of its antibacterial properties.

  1. Weight Loss

Honey may contain a few calories. However, when added to some hot water for consumption, it helps in digesting fats that have been stored in your body. A combination of honey and lemon in hot water will work effectively as a weight loss remedy.

  1. Immune Boosting

If your immune system is weakened, you are easily prone to falling ill. The immune system needs to be strong enough to fight off diseases. Regular consumption of honey gives the immune system a much-needed boost due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It also helps keep the digestive system clean and properly functional ensuring overall wellness.

Add some honey to a glass of warm water with some lemon juice. Drink this cleanser every day to feel more energized and less stressed.

  1. Healing Wounds

Applying honey externally has been proven to be an effective type of treatment for wounds and burns. It helps speed up the healing process by stimulating wound tissues and initiating the healing process in dormant wounds.

It prevents the growth of bacteria due to its antiseptic properties thus keeping the wound clean and free from any type of infection. Honey can absorb moisture from air in cuts and burns and help promote their healing as well. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent thus helps in reducing swelling and pain.

  1. Hangover Cure

Honey is an apt home remedy for a hangover after a little too much indulging in alcohol. Honey, which is gentle on your stomach has natural sugars that speed up the oxidation process of alcohol which gets rid of the toxins much faster. Add a tablespoon of honey to some orange juice and yogurt, blend them into a smoothie and create the perfect hangover remedy.

  1. Memory Boosting

Honey contains natural antioxidants which help in preventing cell damage. These therapeutic properties help keep the brain in tip-top shape. Add a teaspoon to your cup of tea each day to help the brain absorb more calcium which will help in boosting your memory. Taking proper care of the brain will help reduce chances of dementia.

  1. Energy Boosting

Honey is a great tasting natural sweetener that is a good source of carbohydrates as well. Carbohydrates give our bodies the strength and energy to move about each day. Honey helps with boosting our performance and endurance and reducing muscle fatigue. The glucose in it gives us an immediate boost in energy and the fructose helps sustain this energy. Honey helps in regulating blood sugar levels keeping them at normal levels.

Use some honey before working out to help you go the extra mile.

  1. Cough Suppressant

Common colds can be quite prevalent especially in the cold seasons. Having honey at hand will help reduce a cough that accompanies a running nose. Being a natural ingredient, its health benefits are numerous compared to using medicines bought from a pharmacy. This home remedy helps soothe your throat keeping it calm all through. Try some honey lemon cough syrup to kill any bacteria and soothe your throat and suppress your cough effectively.

  1. Moisturizer

For those who enjoy home beauty therapy, using honey is a fantastic idea. This ingredient will help moisturize your entire body and can even be added to shampoos and conditioners to give wonderful results to your hair treatment.

Adding some honey to almond oil and rose oil creates a honey body moisturizer that you can use as often as you like. Half a cup of honey added to a quarter cup of virgin olive oil when applied to your hair for conditioning will help in treating your hair adequately.

You can use milk and honey for skin care to create smooth, beautiful skin. This combination is quite common in most countries.

  1. Acid Reflux Soothing

Honey helps in soothing heartburns and stomach acid reflux. The best honey to use for this type of treatment is Manuka Honey from New Zealand or raw unprocessed honey. Honey lines the esophagus and helps in healing any inflammation or damage thus reducing any acid reflux symptoms. Honey also contains enzymes that help in digestion ensuring all goes smoothly.

  1. Vitamins And Minerals

One of the health benefits of honey is the abundance of minerals and vitamins it contains. Such minerals and vitamins include calcium, iron and Vitamin C. These are not common in white sugar and can be insignificant. Honey is a much healthier alternative to use as a sweetener due to the health benefits from its content.


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