7 Food You Must Include in Your Diet for Healthy Liver

The liver is considered among the vital organs in the body. It is metabolically active with any malfunction causing very serious health challenges. Some of the primary functions of the liver include excretion and production of bile, excretion of hormones, cholesterol, and drugs, activation of enzymes and purification and detoxification of the blood.

These functions must be performed in the body. This is why the health of your liver is so important. There are foods that boost the health and function of the liver while others destroy it or hinder its functions. Here are some of these foods.

  • Oat Meal– the foods contain a substantial amount of fiber. This is good for your stomach and food retention. Oatmeal has been used in checking weight and especially belly fat. These interventions are good to keep your liver healthy.
  • Broccoli– a healthy liver requires a lot of vegetables with broccoli standing out among the most beneficial vegetables to the liver. One of the disease crunchy vegetables will protect you from is the fatty liver disease. You can steam the broccoli or cook it alongside other foods. You may also roast it in balsamic vinegar and garlic to improve its taste.
  • Coffee– negative comments are made about coffee and addiction. However, you will be surprised to note that coffee offers incredible health benefits including boosting the health of your liver. With at least two or three cups, your liver will be protected from damage by alcohol and other unhealthy bites. In fact, some studies have concluded that it lowers the risk of liver cancer.
  • Green Tea– there is an antioxidant called catechins found in green tea. According to research, this is the compound that protects you from liver cancer and other cancers by extension. The levels of catechins are higher in home brewed tea that is drunk hot. Iced and the ready to drink teas contain reduced amounts.
  • Water– this is one of the greatest favors you can do to your liver. Drink several glasses in a day and avoid sweetened drinks like sodas. This helps you maintain the right weight, detoxify the body and thus protect the liver from overworking.
  • Nuts– nuts are healthy natural food for the body and especially your liver. They have been proven to protect you against fatty liver disease. Since nuts are also good for your heart, you are encouraged to take a substantial amount on a regular basis.
  • Spinach– leafy greens are excellent for your liver because of an antioxidant referred to as glutathione. They are easy to prepare and can be served anytime during dinner. When sautéed with olive oil and garlic, they are delicious.

There are other foods that boost the health of your liver, including blueberries, herbs, and spices as well as fruits. However, there are other foods to avoid because of the damage they do to your liver. They include alcohol, fatty fast foods, sugars, and salt. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains are signs of liver trouble. Watch out and take action as quickly or soon as possible.

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