7 high Cholesterol Food to Avoid

The fact that deaths related to cardiovascular diseases have been on the rise is not debatable. This is a scourge in both developed and developing countries. Health experts attribute this to the high unhealthy cholesterol in the foods people are consuming. To remain healthy, therefore, you need to avoid high cholesterol and take cholesterol-lowering foods. What are these foods to take and what should you avoid?

  • Processed Vegetable Oils Including Canola Oil

Canola oil and other vegetable oils undergo hydrogenation once exposed to extreme heat. This increases the concentration of trans-fats- the kind that health experts are against. The fats are known for lowering the healthy HDL cholesterol and increasing the LDL cholesterol, exposing you to cardiovascular diseases. Other fats in this category include soy, corn, and safflower.

  • Potato Chips And Packaged Foods

You are probably a fan of snacking- which is healthy by the way. However, it is the kind of food you eat that is a problem. The most common snacking foods include fried foods, crackers, potato chips and foods packaged with preservatives. Their methods of preparation and preservation are the problem. Frying alters the healthy bonds and increases the fat content

  • Sugary Treats Especially Cookies

Dietary sugars have been blamed for the rising cases of obesity. It also heightens metabolic risk factors related to the heart. The sugars are also responsible for other chronic diseases and conditions beyond obesity. 75% or more of processed foods have dietary sugars added. The sugar affects the ratio between the healthy HDL and unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Some of these foods include muffins, pastries, cakes, candies, and cookies, among other packaged foods. Packaged drinks like juices, sodas, and energy drinks are also culprits.

  • Processed Meats Including Bacon

There is scientific proof that processed meats are responsible for an increase in stroke mortality and cardiovascular diseases. The consumption of processed meat has been linked with heart issues, with unprocessed meat having no or little connection with these diseases. Some of the foods to avoid include bacon, salami, hot dogs, bologna, and sausage, among others. Processed meats are also high in sodium, calories and saturated fats.

  • Alcohol

The problem with alcohol is that it raises triglyceride and blood pressure levels. There is scientific evidence that reduced consumption will lower the possibility of cardiovascular diseases. Anything above 30 grams in a day for women and 45 grams in a day for men is a recipe for cardiovascular diseases.

  • Milk And A Range Of Conventional Dairy Products

Milk is a rich source of fatty acids, but some of these acids are not healthy. Some of the acids present include lauric and myristic acid which raise the level of plasma cholesterol. The healthy dairies include fermented and unpasteurized milk. It reduces the levels of plasma and serum cholesterol.

  • Refined Grains

Refined grains products include pasta, white bread, bagels, and tortilla, among others. They shake the HDL and LDL balance raising the risk of cholesterol diseases. They should be reduced to maintain a healthy level of LDL cholesterol.

There are foods with high cholesterol yet are healthy to eat. They include eggs, grazed beef and dark chocolate. Besides avoiding cholesterol, you should be active by exercising, lose weight and quit smoking to be healthy.

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