7 Weight Loss foods you can consume in Abundance

Zero-calorie foods don’t exist, yet there are foods you can gorge on and yet lose weight. Good news for all you weight watchers – No need to diet and kill hunger pangs! There are weight loss foods you can gorge on – feel satiated and still, lose weight. We know you are eager to try them immediately, read on.

What makes certain foods good for weight loss yet consumable in large quantities?

  • High protein: Protein is very filling
  • High fibre content: Provides bulk, hence you feel full
  • High volume of water: Water content increases volume without adding calories

7 Weight Loss foods you can eat abundantly

1. Citrus fruits

citrusfruitsCitrus fruits are high in pectin – which satiates you and slows digestion process. Majority of citrus fruits contain lots of water (87%), which means, more volume and fewer calories.

Citrus foods include –Lemon, grapefruit, oranges, strawberries etc.

Half-a-grapefruit per day during mealtimes contributes to weight loss. Oranges are also low in calories and contain abundant Vitamin C. Strawberries are even richer sources of Vitamin C and they are fat-free, sodium-free and contain fewer calories.

Calories per serving:

  • Oranges:47
  • Strawberries:50
  • Grapefruit: 42

2. Popcorn

PopcornThe humble popcorn contains more fibre than any other snack and is also a whole grain. It’s a very popular food snack and has been the best snacking food of many for ages.
Air-popped popcorns fill you up and are low in calories. If you need to consume popcorn, do so without adding any buttery fat. Popcorn also contains antioxidants and B-complex vitamins.

Calories per serving: 30

3. Fish

fishFish is a wonder food, we mean; it’s got it all – Proteins, Omega-3 fatty acids, sodium, and potassium.
They are very filling, tasty and are highly satiating. They are also known to give you lustrous skin and hair and should be an important part of your daily diet. Try out smoked salmons and trout with bacon which will leave you craving for more.

Calories per serving: 83

4. Tofu

tofuSoy is always high on the list of foods which help you shed weight. You can add tofu to your stir-fry lunch or dinner and snack away to glory. Not only does it fill you abundantly, it leaves you looking slimmer and helps shed pounds. It contains around 9 Gms of protein and almost fills the day’s supply. A big favourite among vegans/vegetarians!

Calories per serving: 80

5. Celery

celeryDespite being composed of 95% water, celery has many health benefits. It’s a high fibre food and provides your daily supply of potassium and Vitamin K. Always choose fresh organic celery and consume in the form of tasty salads, soups and so on.

Calories per serving:  6

6. Berries

berriesBerries contain a great amount of antioxidants and fibre. A cup of berries a day contains about 14% of recommended fibre and what’s more, berries are rich in Vitamin C. It is also a diuretic and helps get rid of excess water.
Berries include: Blueberries, blackberries, bilberries, cherries

Calories per serving:  87

7. Tomatoes

TomatoLast, but not least, the humble tomato contains lycopene, Vitamin A, C and B2. It is also a good source of fibre and it’s extremely good for health with its high water content. Snack it up with soups, salads, Indian curries etc. Tomatoes are versatile and taste good, cooked or raw. If you have kidney ailment, though, watch out on how much tomato you consume!

Calories per tomato: 25

Forget being hungry, eat well, with lesser calories and watch how you do not pile on the pounds as you gorge on these yummy foods. Do share your experiences with us!

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