All About Human Growth Hormone Deficiency, Injections, Side Affects

What Is Human Growth Hormone?

Growth Hormone is also referred to as Human Growth Hormone or HGH. The scientific name used is somatotropin, with the hormone being very specific or particular to cells in the body. It performs three important functions.

  1. Stimulates overall growth in the body
  2. Is responsible for cell production
  3. Guarantees cell regeneration

Where is growth hormone produced in the body?

HGH is in the class of 191-amino acid. This makes it a single-chain polypeptide hormone that is manufactured, preserved and released by the somatotropic cells. These cells are located within the anterior pituitary glands and specifically on the lateral wings.

Who should take growth hormone?

HGH occurs naturally in the body. However, some people need a boost because their bodies do not produce the right amounts. They include

  • People with short bowel syndrome- this causes inadequate absorption of nutrients in the intestine. It may be caused by a disease or removal of part of the intestine through surgery.
  • Persons whose body does not secret enough GH. This may be due to pituitary tumor or the glands have been affected during treatment.
  • Persons experiencing muscle wasting that is usually caused by muscle wasting conditions like HIV.

How are growth hormone injections given?

Human Growth Hormone injections involve the use of recombinant or a synthetic hormone. They are developed in the lab. You will need a prescription to get the injection. Some companies provide powder vials that require bacterialstatic water to reconstitute. You may also go for the already mixed dosage pens, some of which do not need refrigeration.

Are growth hormone shots safe?

Though HGH are prescribed by doctors in most cases, there are side effects that you can expect. They include

  • Discomfort around joints
  • Headaches
  • Swollen feet and hands
  • Muscle aches

In fact, the injections are not recommended for persons with such conditions as

  • Multiple severe injuries
  • Tumors
  • Any diagnosed cancer
  • A serious illness
  • Severe breathing problem

For people with diabetes, they must watch their levels of blood sugar carefully when taking these injections. In case you experience any of these side effects, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor.

What growth hormone do body builders use?

There are different brands offering growth hormones for body builders. They come in capsules, injections as well as stacks. For injection, the best method is the intramuscular method for quick action. However, if you are targeting slow action, you may opt for capsules.

What growth hormone makes you taller?

Whether they can help increase your height is still debatable. However, they have been proven to cause growth of cartilages which would increase your height by a few millimeters. In children, these injections can be highly effective because they stimulate overall growth.

What are side affects of growth hormone?

Though they are prescribed by doctors, there are certain side effects you can expect.

  • Men can experience enlarged breast muscles
  • Edema or swollen legs and arms
  • A spike in insulin resistance
  • Pain around joints and certain muscles
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

Should you observe any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you visit your doctor immediately.

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