Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera

The use of aloe vera is centuries old and spread across continents and communities. Indians exploited its medicinal properties and used it for skin conditions, constipation, worm infestation and as a natural cure for colic. To the Chinese people, it provided a natural remedy for fungal infections. In the West, it found uses in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.Aloe ver contains antioxidant vitamins A, C and E also eight enzymes, including aliiase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulase, lipase and peroxidase. also contain compunds known as laxatives.which act as analgesics, antibacterials and antivirals, provides sugars- monosaccharides and polysaccharides.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

  • Soothing Rashes and Irritations

Aloe Vera has proven to be an excellent ointment on woods and skin conditions. The extracts provide relief to burning and itching, two skin conditions that are known to cause skin degeneration and radiation dermatitis. There is scientific evidence that it prevents relapse of chronic psoriasis.

Beyond application, oral administration has also been shown to hasten the speed at which wounds heal, prevent small growths on the skin and reduce incidences of tumors on vital organs such as bone marrow, spleen, and liver. It is also an incredible remedy for herpes sores.

  • Treating Burns

Aloe Vera has been proven to provide excellent cover against skin radiation. The use of aloe vera and its extracts was approved by US Food and Drugs Administration way back in 1959. It was approved as an over the counter option for burns by preventing suppression that is UV-induced to enable the affected area to heal faster.

  • Heal Cold Sores

Cold sores come with a lot of discomfort. Specialists recommend the use of Aloe vera to hasten the speed of healing. The ointment is also preferred on the lips because it poses no danger when consumed through the mouth. You will never worry about swallowing it. It also soothes the pain associated with these sores. Further, Aloe Vera has incredible mineral elements like Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C which aid in the natural treatment of pain and boosting the work of antibodies.

  • Moisturizing the Hair and Scalp

Persons with dry hair and itchy scalps have found a friend in aloe vera. This is because of the nourishing properties including minerals and vitamins. The antifungal and antibacterial properties also help you deal with dandruff. The enzymes in the gel help to clear dead cells and aid in the regeneration of skin tissues.

  • Remedy For Constipation

Research has concluded that aloe vera contains excellent quantities of latex. It works by increasing the amount of water in your intestine, stimulating intestinal peristalsis and aiding in milk secretion. This is the natural way to deal with constipation. Beyond that, it aids in digestion by normalizing pH and Alkaline/Acidic balance, lessening yeast formation and regularizing bowel movement. It also encourages the growth and health of helpful digestive bacteria.

Other benefits includes boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation by providing anti-oxidants, treating diabetes and maintaining general body health. Natural aloe vera and its extracts should form part of your health plan.

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