Super Foods That Fight Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer cases are rising and so are their survivors ‘tales. Never have women been so aware of their bodies in the past like they are now in the 21st century. Women who know themselves in and out are more confident and face life with a bigger smile.
With breast cancer awareness about its signs and symptoms, types and stages and treatment options available, women are taking appointments to get themselves checked once in a while and are sticking to its precautionary measures.
While knowing what do as a survivor is important, it is very much important to know what works for precautions as well. It is always good to find it early and then take steps to reduce it.

Understanding what is Breast Cancer?

1 in 8 women develops breast cancer in their lifetime. The Internet has been flooding with breast cancer awareness programs nowadays. Breast Cancer symptoms may include:

  • swelling of all or part of a breast (even if no distinct lump is felt)
  • Skin irritation or dimpling (sometimes looking like an orange peel)
  • Breast or nipple pain
  • Nipple retraction (turning inward)
  • Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
  • Nipple discharge (other than breast milk)

Scientists have found that there are certain foods that we consume have the potential to fight breast cancer. We have a list of superfoods that you would want to add to your daily consumption after acknowledging the benefits they have in fighting breast cancer.

12 Superfoods that help fight Breast Cancer:


  1. OKRA – Scientists have found substance in Okra kills 72% of breast cancer cells and slows growth in vitro. Okra pectin contains unique structures inhibiting 75%oh highly metastatic melanoma cells in vitro which is crucial in fighting breast cancer. Men eating Okra experience 40% less prostate cancer.


  1. SALMON – A recent study suggests that oily fish like salmon, which have certain fatty acids reduce breast cancer risk. Salmon has a significant amount of vitamin D which reduces the risk of breast cancer development by 24%. Vitamin D prevents cells from becoming cancerous.


  1. SPINACH – 40% lower risk of breast cancer was found in premenopausal women whose regular intake included spinach, celery, and kale. You could always use spinach in pasta, rolls, sandwiches, eggs etc to inculcate this in your diet and develop a good habit of including dietary folate in your meals.


  1. BERRIES – All berries are a great source of antioxidants which is known as the cancer fighter. Pterostilbene, a phytonutrient in blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, goji berries can halt the growth of breast cancer tumors by causing cancerous cells to self-destruct, a process called apoptosis.


  1. EGGS – According to a U.S study choline, which fights the risk of breast cancer is an essential ingredient present in an abundant amount in eggs was found to benefit 3000 women. It is found in many medicines, health supplements made from the yolk of the eggs. Other items that have choline are beef, pork, poultry and wheat germ.


  1. RYE BREAD – It can totally cut down the risk of breast cancer as the fiber, lignans, vitamins, minerals and the phytonutrient phytic acid present in rye make rye bread a breast cancer fighter. You can always replace those conventional bread that makes you fat with this rye bread that has many benefits.


  1. WALNUTS – Many medical schools have done enough research on how the omega-3s, antioxidants and phytosterols found in walnuts may help slow the growth of cancerous cells.2 ounces of walnuts a day can keep the breast cancer at bay.


  1. MUSHROOMS – They contain the antioxidant known as L-ergothioneine, which when was diagnosed in premenopausal women reduced the risk of breast cancer risk in them. So if you like adding mushrooms to your pizzas, soups, salads, burgers you are already winning.


  1. BROCCOLI SPROUTS – They resemble bean sprouts but are thinner and much more delicate. These are High in cancer-fighting compounds, like glucoraphanin, many experts consider broccoli sprouts to be an exceptional source of detoxifying enzymes that protect our cells against cancer.


  1. POMEGRANATE SEEDS – Its little seeds are called arils, and they are what has the antioxidant cancer-fighting ingredient in them.High in ellagic acid, it helps prevent the development of breast cancer. Having them in your salads, smoothies or with your cereals is the best way to indulge these natural sugars in your diet.


  1. LENTILS – Lentils, like legumes, contain lots of folates, fiber, and many other nutrients that can keep our bodies from rotting. They are known for reducing the risk of breast cancer by 26% in women. Adding them to your staple meals in the form soups, stew and replacing ground meat in your dishes with them can be highly beneficial.


  1. TOMATOES – Lycopene, the famous cancer-fighting substance found in tomatoes is what you want to know about. It is not only a very powerful antioxidant that gives tomatoes their redness but also protects against breast cancer by stopping cancer cell growth. Consumption of tomatoes or its components is going to help fight this cancer war.

Prevention is better than cure and finding a cure in your diet is the new fad. Spread positivity and share this with your favorite females, let breast cancer-fighting brigade be well aware and know no battle is bigger than a women’s spirit.

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